Donald Berwick, Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Karen Davis, The Commonwealth Fund
Theme Leaders
Jordi Alonso
Institut Municipal d’Investigacio Medica
Rene Amalberti
IMASSA Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory
Moris Barer
Scientific Director, Institute of Health Services and Policy Research, Canada
Rafael Bengoa
Department of NCD Prevention and Health Promotion
World Health Organization
Don Berwick
President and CEO
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Barry Bloom
School of Public Health
Harvard University
Jose Caldras de Almeida
Coordinator Mental Health Program
Mushtaque Chowdhury
Deputy Director BRAC
Carolyn Clancy
Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Karen Davis
The Commonwealth Fund
John Demakis
Health Services Research and Development
Veterans Administration
Koldo Echebarria*
InterAmerican Development Bank
Junius Gonzales
Chief, Services Research & Clinical
Epidemiology Branch
National Institutes of Meantal Health
Christopher Ham
Director of Strategy Unit, National Health Service, U.K.
Dean Jamison
Senior Fellow
Division of Advanced Studies and Policy Analysis (DASPA)
Fogarty International Center
National Institutes of Health
David J. Kerr
Rhodes Professor of Therapeutic Sciences
and Clinical Pharmacology
University of Oxford
Richard Klausner
Executive Director
Global Health
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Anna Korotkova
Chief of Methodological Center for HealthCare Quality, Central Public Health Research Institute, Russia
Jonathan Lomas
Canadian Health Services Research Foundation
Nicole Lurie
Senior Scientist
Lindiwe Makubalo
Director, Research, Epidemiology and Evaluation
South African Department of Health
Lenore Manderson
Australia Research Council Federation Fellow
Key Centre for Women’s Health in Society, The University of Melbourn
Rashad Massoud
Quality Assurance Project
Christopher Murray
Executive Director
Evidence and Information for Policy, WHO
Vinand Nantulya
Director for Strategy & Evaluation, Global Fund for AIDS, TB and Malaria
Elena Novitchkova
Evidence-based Practice Center
Department of Familty Medicine, I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russia
Tiki Pang
Director, Research Policy & Cooperation World Health Organization
Martin Pfaff*
Chair in Economics
University of Augsburg, Germany
Jim Reason
Professor Emeritus
University of Manchester
K. Srinath Reddy
Initiative for Cardiovascular Health Research
in the Developing Countries
Uwe E. Reinhard
James Madison Professor of Political Economics
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
Princeton University
Mirta Roses*
George Rubin
Director, EHA
Professor, Department of Public Health and
Community Medicine
University of Sydney, at Westmead Hospital
Kenneth Shine
Executive Officer
Center to Improve Care of the Dying
Olive Shisana
Executive Director
Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS and Health, Cape Town
Lisa A. Simpson
University of South Florida
Tommy Thompson*
Department of Health and Human Services
David Woods
Ohio State University
Suwit Wibulpolprasert
Deputy Permanent Secretary for Health, Thailand
*invited speakers